Where Did All The Women Go? Retaining Women in Computer Science

Tuesday, Apr 10, 2018 at 7:00PM Archived
Acadia Entrepreneurship Centre Rural Innovation Centre, 24 University Avenue, Wolfville, NS
Hosted By
Refresh AV Meetups. All are welcome!
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Over the last 30 years, the number of women entering Computer Science university programs has dropped from 50% to around 10%. Once in the program, women have a higher drop out rate than men. And women graduating with Computer Science degrees often leave the field and pursue alternate careers. Dr Randy Newman and Cindy Trudel have been actively researching this phenomenon over the last few years. In this Refresh Annapolis Valley talk, Randy and Cindy will discuss the problem, the programs that Acadia has in place, and the needs for the future.

Hosted by Refresh Annapolis Valley. All are welcome!