Ashley Greene

Ashley Greene, J.D., is the Founder & CEO of Instratify, a growth-focused customer research firm for software and e-commerce businesses. Ashley is known for using her legal training to help companies get inside their customers’ heads, so they can achieve and maintain sustainable hypergrowth.
Ashley’s advised dozens of tech companies and has worked on projects with businesses from Fortune 500 companies to tech startups. Ashley writes and speaks on growth / customer insight, and has served as an advisor/trainer for leading startup organizations including Ryerson, Volta, and Communitech. She also contributes to publications such as the Huffington Post, Foundr, and Entrevestor.
Ashley holds a B.B.A. from Acadia and a J.D. (specializing in corporate law) from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University.
Ashley is currently working on a forthcoming book entitled Humanizing Business: The Secret to Rapid Growth.