Refresh Annapolis Valley

Topic: HTML5

December 8, 2018 at 12:30pm

In this teen Hoist mini series, you will learn about how to build your own web application. Web applications are unlike traditional websites. Traditional websites are largely informational (like the Refresh Annapolis Valley website) where web applications solve particular problems (think Gmail for email).

  1. In part 1, you will learn the ins-and-outs of building app interfaces
  2. In part 2, you will learn how to add interactivity to your web app
  3. In part 3, you will learn how to manage app data

If you haven’t attended part 1 or 2, you can jump right into part 3.

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December 1, 2018 at 12:30pm

In this teen Hoist mini series, you will learn about how to build your own web application. Web applications are unlike traditional websites. Traditional websites are largely informational (like the Refresh Annapolis Valley website) where web applications solve particular problems (think Gmail for email).

  1. In part 1, you will learn the ins-and-outs of building app interfaces
  2. In part 2, you will learn how to add interactivity to your web app
  3. In part 3, you will learn how to manage app data

If you haven’t attended part 1, you can jump right into part 2.

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October 27, 2018 at 12:30pm

In this teen Hoist mini series, you will learn about how to build your own web application. Web applications are unlike traditional websites. Traditional websites are largely informational (like the Refresh Annapolis Valley website) where web applications solve particular problems (think Gmail for email).

  1. In part 1, you will learn the ins-and-outs of building app interfaces
  2. In part 2, you will learn how to add interactivity to your web app
  3. In part 3, you will learn how to manage app data

Pizza + workshop + building

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May 13, 2017 at 12:30pm

For our first Hoist meetup, we’ll be learning how to use the Twitter Bootstrap code library to create beautiful front-end websites. Bootstrap is a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that allow you to write very little but get a whole lot. We’ll start with the basics of HTML and CSS and then dive into using Bootstrap to jump-start your web project.

Pizza + workshop + building

Bring your own laptop. A small number of laptops will be available to borrow.

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October 11, 2016 at 7:00pm

Node.js is a rapidly growing technology that has been making big waves in the world of web development. Node lets you easily build fast and scalable network applications perfect for the realtime web. In this workshop you’ll learn how to get started using Node, its background and history, and the problems it seeks to address. We’ll get our hands dirty building a realtime chat server to get a feel for the amazing power of Node.

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Front End Engineer at Chalk

Read all about them...

January 14, 2013 at 7:00pm

Come join us for “HTML5 and Semantic Markup,” a discussion about HTML5, markup, and HTML5 websites that rock.

Open Web Platform: HTML5 and Semantic Markup

Mike Caplan will give a talk about HTML5’s new elements and attributes that allow us to define semantically meaningful HTML. Semantics you say? What is the meaning of this? Come find out.

HTML5 Websites Show and Tell

Dust off your favorite website that uses anything under the HTML5 sun – offline storage, connectivity, file access, semantics, audio/video, 3D/graphics, presentation, performance, big features, or small. We’ll put it on the screen and you can give a brief tour. Stickers for all those who participate.

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Refresh Annapolis Valley

Refresh is a community of designers, developers and innovators working to refresh the creative, technical, and professional culture of digital technology endeavours in the Annapolis Valley while promoting design, technology, and entrepreneurship.

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